Melissa Hammond Melissa Hammond lives in Madison, Wisconsin, where she writes...
Location: South Orange, New Jersey Education: B.S. in Advertising and Public...
Josie Turner Josie Turner lives in Hertfordshire and works in London....
Josh Karaczewski It feels like Josh is the only writer living...
Age: One of the “Nine Ages of Man” in the poem...
Angelica Poversky Angelica Poversky is an avid member of the Spoken...
Location: I live in Phoenix, but also spend a lot of...
Lauren Yates Lauren Yates is a Pushcart-nominated poet who is currently...
Age: 34 Location: San Francisco, California Education: BA, Skidmore College; MPA, Suffolk University...
Timothy O’Leary A refugee from the advertising world, Timothy O’Leary was...
Linda Heuring Linda Heuring is a short story writer based outside...
Age: Old enough to be the mother to two, beautiful tiny humans,...