Not so complacent in her dressing gown, the sensuous world remains...
Andrew Davie Andrew Davie received an MFA from Adelphi University. He...
I soak the stone with acid streams. The decomposed entertain golden...
Dave Petraglia Dave Petraglia has appeared in Popular Science, Popular Mechanics,...
Marléne Zadig (rhymes with “train a bad pig”) Age: 34 Location:...
He remembered when he learned to read, struggling over words, tripping...
Marty Carlock For almost 20 years, Marty was a regular contributor...
Wet your smile with sweat, the dew ascends through pores, no...
Richard Widerkehr Richard Widerkehr has two books of poems, “The Way...
Names like Billy, Justin, Brettski, Evan. Skinny Evan, draped in chains,...
Marléne Zadig Marléne Zadig is a writer currently based in Silicon...
They sliced her belly sideways like a caesarean section choked it...