Glenn H. Mitchell Glenn H. Mitchell studied journalism and scriptwriting before...
Age: 28 Location: Gainesville, FL. Education: B.A. in English (University of...
the wall between us was so thin / i could hear...
Marlene Molinoff Marlene Molinoff completed her bachelor’s degree in English literature...
Location: Coconut Grove, Florida Education: B.A. from the University of Michigan...
Not so complacent in her dressing gown, the sensuous world remains...
Andrew Davie Andrew Davie received an MFA from Adelphi University. He...
Calder Lorenz Age: 35 Location: California Education:MFA in Writing, at the...
I soak the stone with acid streams. The decomposed entertain golden...
Dave Petraglia Dave Petraglia has appeared in Popular Science, Popular Mechanics,...
Marléne Zadig (rhymes with “train a bad pig”) Age: 34 Location:...
He remembered when he learned to read, struggling over words, tripping...