Wordsmith Interview – Laurie Kolp

L Kolp bio pic

Age: There will be a hint later on in this interview.

Location: Beaumont, TX

Education: Bachelor of Science degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Texas A&M University

The Writer

How long have you been writing?
Off and on since I learned how to hold a pencil

Do you write full-time?
Every chance I get

What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment as a writer?
My first full-length poetry collection, Upon the Blue Couch (Winter Goose Publishing, 2014)

What is your ultimate goal as a writer?
To make a difference in someone’s life

What is your greatest challenge as a writer?
Scraping up enough money to attend all the conferences and readings on my list

The Work

Tell us about your work in Crack the Spine.
 My poem is titled Relinquishing Control and was recently published in Issue 154.

Is there a main theme or message in this piece?
Not to be so hard on yourself

What inspired this work?
Negative obsessive thoughts

Tell us about another project you have published or are currently working on.
Preorders are going on right now for a new chapbook called “Hello, it’s Your Mother.”

What inspired this work?
Caring for my mother at the end of her life

The Methods

How often do you write? As often as I can.
I’m the mother of three kids and life gets very hectic at times, but I always find time to write.

Where do you write?
I have a special corner desk in the back of the living room. It’s a small but cozy area.

What time of day or night makes you most productive as a writer?
Anytime except for the hours between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM.

What are your thoughts on self-publishing vs. traditional publishing?
I prefer traditional publishing, but am open to the concept of self-publishing.

How many drafts do you generally go through before you consider a piece to be complete?
At least three

What is your best piece of advice on how to stay sane as a writer?
Find a network of fellow writers to share the ups and downs, collaborate and critique.

The Madness

What is the greatest occupational hazard for a writer?
Sitting too much

Who would play you in the film of your life?
Nicole Kidman. After all, we were born on the exact same day, same year.

What makes you laugh?
My husband when he acts like a penguin.

What’s in that cup on your desk?
Water, coffee or iced tea

What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
Witnessing the birth of my nephew

Rain or Sunshine?
Definitely sunshine

Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla, but I also like chocolate (just not chocolate ice cream).

Beach or Mountains?

Cats or Dogs?
Dogs (I have two).

Additional Reading on Laurie

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