Wordsmith Interview – Catfish McDaris

Catfish McDaris
Age 60
Location: Milwaukee, WI
GED in the army, 2 years of college

The Writer
How long have you been writing?
25 years

Do you write full-time?

What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment as a writer?
Being published with Shakespeare

What is your ultimate goal as a writer?

The Work
Tell us about your work in Crack the Spine.
Comanche Java

Is there a main theme or message in this piece?
Being a father is a tough job.

What inspired this work?
My daughter

Anything else you’d like to share about your work in Crack the Spine?
It is 80% true

Tell us about another project you are working on or have published. 
Jupiter Orgasma

What inspired this work?
My life

Where can we find this book?
This is a hardcover on Lulu.com now

The Methods
How often do you write?

What are your thoughts on self-publishing vs. traditional publishing?
I’ve never self-published, your work should be good enough to attract a publisher.

What are your thoughts on writing at a computer vs. writing longhand?
I make notes and ideas in longhand. 

How do you react to editorial rejections of your work?
I’m used to rejects, since I write for my own enjoyment; it doesn’t bother me much.

The Madness
What is your favorite book?
Jupiter Orgasma

Who is your favorite author?
Catfish McDaris

What is your favorite word?

What makes you laugh?
My lady

What makes you cry?
My daughter

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Beach or Mountains?

Cats or Dogs?

Additional Reading on Catfish
Personal website/blog: http://ppigpenn.blogspot.com 

2 comments to “Wordsmith Interview – Catfish McDaris”
2 comments to “Wordsmith Interview – Catfish McDaris”
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