Bright new day, brilliant new friends…
Jnana Hodson
Jnana Hodson’s third novel, “Hippie Drum,” was published May 30, 2013, at Smashwords.

Sean Padraic McCarthy’s stories have been recently published, or are forthcoming in, Glimmer Train, The Ledge Poetry and Fiction Magazine, The Sewanee Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, The Greensboro Review, Water~Stone Review, Sou’wester, Bluestem,South Dakota Review, and The Sand Hill Review among others. He is four time top 25 finalist in the Glimmer Train Fiction open contest, placing second in 2010, and several of his stories have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His novel Where the Birds Go to Die was recently named a finalist for the Black Lawrence Press Big Moose Prize, and he lives with his wife, children, and a very large Great Pyrenees in Mansfield, Massachusetts. He recently completed work upon a second novel.
Michelle Valois
Michelle Valois lives in western Massachusetts with her partner and their three children. Her writing has appeared in TriQuarterly, The Massachusetts Review, Pank, Brevity, Fourth Genre, The Baltimore Review, The Prose-Poem Project, Anderbo, Verse, The Florida Review, and other journals. She teaches writing and humanities at a community college and blogs at
Joey Dean Hale
Joey Dean Hale is a writer and musician in the St. Louis area. He received his MFA from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and has published stories in several magazines, including Fried Chicken and Coffee, Roadside Fiction, and Penduline Press. Hale’s story “Access Closed” is included in the 2013 Bibliotekos Anthology – Puzzles of Faith and Patterns of Doubt.
Danielle Hunt
Danielle Hunt, as a child, aspired to be Madonna but instead settled to dance on the hood of a car while waiting for a train to pass. Raised in Northern and Southern California, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Women’s Studies at California State University, Fullerton. Her work has appeared in Muse, Harlot of the Arts: A Revealing Look at the Arts of Persuasion and Web Del Sol. She currently lives in Riverside, California and has a fabulous garden.
Derek Otsuji
Derek Otsuji teaches English at Honolulu Community College and works at Otsuji Farm, a family-run farmer’s market, on the weekends. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Alabama Literary Review, Atlanta Review, Crab Orchard Review, Green Hills Literary Lantern, Hawaii Review, The MacGuffin, The Midwest Quarterly, The Monarch Review, Poet Lore, Sanskrit, and Word Riot.
Carla Sarett
Carla Sarett is a Ph.D. who has worked in TV, film and market research– and in 2010 added fiction writing to the mix. Her stories have appeared in Loch Raven Review, The Linnet’s Wings, Scissors and Spackle, Absinthe Revival, River Poet’s Journal, and Eric’s Hysterics among others. Her first short story collection, Nine Romantic Stories, appeared in 2012. A new (funny) flash fiction collection Crazy Lovebirds: Five Super-Short Stories is available on Amazon. Find her at
Michael Cooper
Michael Cooper is a MFA student at CSUSB who is fascinated by the fragmentation of language. His work plays with diction and polyphony in an attempt to shock us back into a critical awareness of how frail we are. He feels we are at our most beautiful at our point of failure: orchids in the same vase of water.