Issue Forty-Nine Contributors


5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

Meet the contributors who are helping us ring in the new year!

Stephen Koster

Stephen Koster was born in the Ottawa valley in the imaginary land known as “Canada.” He resides in a fictional house, with a fictional wife, and four make-believe cats named Who, Where, What, and Why. He is recently graduated from University and only twenty-two, so there’s still plenty of time for him to get a real job, Mom.

Spencer Golub
Spencer Golub is professor of theatre arts, performance studies, comparative literature, and Slavic languages at Brown University. His books include the semi-fictional film memoir Infinity (Stage) and the Callaway Prize-winning The Recurrence of Fate: Theatre and Memory in Twentieth-Century Russia (University of Iowa). He is currently completing a book on Wittgenstein, anxiety and performance behavior.

David Hancock
David Hancock has received two OBIE awards for playwriting (The Convention of Cartography and The Race of the Ark Tattoo). He is the recipient of a Whiting Writers’ Award, a Creative Capital grant, The CalArts/Alpert Award in Theatre, and the Hodder Fellowship at Princeton. David’s recent fiction is either forthcoming or published in Interim, Permafrost, Wild Violet,The Massachusetts Review, Ping Pong, and Amarillo Bay.

More of Golub and Hancock’s co-authored work is forthcoming or published in Petrichor Machine, Danse Macabre, Bluestem, West Wind Review, Otis Nebula andscissors and spackle.

Paul Brucker

Paul Brucker, a marketing communications writer, lives in Mt. Prospect, IL, where “Friendliness is a Way of life.”  Active in the early 1980s Washington, D.C, poetry scene, he put a lid on poetry writing when he went to the Northwestern University grad ad school in a questionable attempt to think like a businessman and secure a decent income.  Nevertheless, he has succumbed to writing poetry again and has been recently published in Audio zine, Barefoot Review, Borderline, The Clackamas Reviewand the anthology, The Pagan’s Muse: Words of Ritual, Invocation and Inspiration.

Steve Ramirez
Steve Ramirez hosts the weekly reading series, Two Idiots Peddling Poetry in Orange, CA. A former member of the Laguna Beach Slam Team 2000, he’s also been one of the organizers of the Orange County Poetry Festival and member of the Five Penny Poetsin Huntington Beach. Publication credits include Pearl, Crate, The Comstock Review, Lummox Journal, Aim for the Head(a zombie anthology) and Incidental Buildings & Accidental Beauty.

Cory De Silva
Cory De Silva’s first album, Someday When I’m Young, was released in March 2010. He co-edits for Bank-Heavy Pressin Long Beach, CA, and writes poetry and fiction. His second album, Beginnings, is scheduled for release in late 2012.

Colin Dodds
Colin Dodds grew up in Massachusetts and completed his education at The New School in New York City. Norman Mailer wrote that Dodds’ novel The Last Bad Job showed “something that very few writers have; a species of inner talent that owes very little to other people.” Dodds’ novels What Smiled at Him and Another Broken Wizard have been widely acclaimed by critics and readers alike. His screenplay, Refreshment – A Tragedy, was named a semi-finalist in 2010 American Zoetrope Contest. Two books of Dodds’ poetry—The Last Man on the Moon and The Blue Blueprint—are available from Medium Rare Publishing. Dodds’ writing has also appeared in a number of periodicals, including The Wall Street Journal Online, Folio, Explosion-Proof, Block Magazine, The Architect’s Newspaper, The Main Street Rag, The Reno News & Review and Lungfull! Magazine. He lives in Brooklyn, New York, with his wife Samantha.

Joseph Reich
Joseph Reich has been published in a wide variety of eclectic literary journals both here and abroad, been nominated three times for the Pushcart Prize, and  his most recent books include, “A Different Sort Of Distance” (Skive Magazine  Press) “If I Told You To Jump Off The Brooklyn Bridge” (Flutter Press) “Pain  Diary: Working Methadone & The Life & Times Of The Man Sawed In Half (Brick Road Poetry Press) “Drugstore Sushi” (Thunderclap Press) “The Derivation  Of Cowboys & Indians” (Fomite Press) “The Housing Market: a comfortable place to jump off the end of the world” (Fomite Press) “The Hole That Runs Through Utopia (Popcorn Press) “All My Born Days: the spirit of home movies” (Writing Knights)

BD Feil
BD Feil has credits in Slice Magazine, New Plains Review, Margie, and is nominated for a Pushcart this year. He lives in Michigan with quite the brood.