Issue Thirty-Four Contributors


Meet the contributors in upcoming issue thirty-four…

Alyssa Robbins
Since her freshman year, seventeen year old Alyssa Robbins has attended Douglas Anderson School of the Arts in Jacksonville, Florida, where her perspective of herself, others, this world, and life were changed through the craft of writing. An entirely new world opened up with her journey into the mind of a writer and an adult simultaneously; a combination of experiences, epiphanies, and freedom of voice that put her on a path she never wants to step off of. And now as a junior creative writing major, with the tools and knowledge it has allowed her, she hopes to share her writing outside the classroom, find a job, and save money to study biology in college.
Ashley Underwood
Ashley Underwood is a poet living in Springfield, Missouri. She studied Creative Writing at Missouri State University and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Education from the same University. She teaches English, Creative Writing and is a Librarian for a small rural school district tucked in the hills of the Ozarks.  Her poetry has previously appeared in Elder Mountain: A Journal of Ozarks Studies, and is forthcoming in The Cave Region Review. She is at work on a chapbook of poetry.
Mia Avramut
A Romanian- born writer and brain researcher, Mia Avramut has worked in laboratories and autopsy rooms. Her literary work appeared or is forthcoming in The Prose-Poem Project, Conclave: a Journal of Character, A-Minor, Connotation Press: An Online Artifact, Dirtflask and several anthologies.
Brittany Fonte
Brittany Fonte holds an MFA in Creative Writing (Fiction).  Her work, both fiction and prose poetry, has appeared in numerous journals.  Her first collection, Buddha in My Belly, is due out in August with Hopewell Publications.  She was recently a participant in the national queer poetry slam, Capturing Fire.
Katherine Berta
Katherine Berta, an Ohio native living in Tempe, Arizona, is a recent graduate of Arizona State’s MFA program. You may read her work in 2 River View, Stirring, and Forklift, Ohio.
Howard Winn
Howard Winn’s writing, both fiction and poetry, has been published by such journals as Dalhousie Review, New York Quarterly, Southern Humanities Review, Raven Chronicles, Borderlands, Beloit Poetry Review, Xavier Review and Toyon. His B. A. is from Vassar College. He also has studied as an undergraduate with A. B. Guthrie and John Ciardi at Middlebury College. He has an M.A. in Creative Writing from Stanford University where he studied with Wallace Stegner and Yvor Winters. He has done additional graduate work at the University of California San Francisco.  His doctoral work was done at N. Y. U. He has been a social worker in California and currently is a faculty member of SUNY, Professor of English. He has taught courses in both fiction writing and poetry writing, as well as in literary criticism.
Philip Neilsen
Philip Neilsen is an Australian poet and fiction writer – his most recent collection of poetry was Without an Alibi (Cambridge: Salt Publishing, 2008). He was the editor of The Penguin Book of Australian Satirical Verse and co-editor (with UK poet David Morley) of The Cambridge Companion to Creative Writing (2012). He is creative writing professor at the Queensland University of Technology.  
Carla Lopez (Cover Art)
Carla Lopez is an art major at El Camino College and is currently focusing on computer animation. She has taken various art classes since the time she was in middle school. She enjoys taking many English classes as well as writing in her spare time whenever inspiration hits her that is.